Wednesday, 27 May 2015

When U Know That Is Not Your Boy

Many followers or should I call you haters, betrayers or doubters because I convey some emotion on a pretty close acquaintance I get made fun of all across social media. The funniest thing is the fool was the genius while the others were the fools because after the events that unfolded a little after my post, you cannot deny that this is not Cesario. So after I speak to Cesario and he barely knows my name or who I am the true fool of Illyria Sir Andrew challenges him to a duel. Unlike the Cesario that I associate with who showed fear and could barely hold his sword. This guy was a really well trained scrappy fighter who mucked the floor with Sir Andrew causing the idiot to beg for mercy. I swear if Sir Andrew had brains they would've been spewed all across Illyria. The guy tried to leave, butnot without fighting Sir Toby and the man showed no hesitation to attack. the fight was ended before it started because Olivia broke it up. Man, this is getting weird, but I gotta do my thing stay tuned

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